Exactly one year ago today on 9.19.10, I packed up my uhaul and hit the road back up north to my homeland. It’s crazy how much can happen in one year and how your life can completely change. Since leaving Virginia I have lived with my parents, moved to Hoboken and have had TWO different jobs and fulfilled my childhood dream of working in New York City. Sometimes while I walk through Times Square in the morning on my way to work, while looking around at all the craziness of the city I just stop and catch myself smiling. It’s in those random moments that I realize how lucky I am. Now don’t get me wrong, although it’s been a really quick year, it hasn’t been easy breezy. I feel like it has been a constant year of transitioning. Having two jobs in 12 months is exhausting. A new job is scary to begin with, and doing it twice is just insane. Thankfully though it was a good insane. As I’ve said before I was completely unhappy at my first job and there was no way that I could continue. I feel truly relieved that I absolutely love my new job. It is an atmosphere of encouragement and pride in the work that we do. It really does not get any better than that.
Not only has my job changed a couple times in the last year but so have many relationships. I’ve made new friends, re-connected with old friends, got back to daily visits with best friends, held on to close friends I moved miles away from and sadly lost touch with some friends. Although it’s sad to see friendships change, I try to remember that all friendships are different. Some are meant to last forever, and some are just for right now and there really isn’t anything wrong with that. My mom once told me that all friendships serve their purpose and it’s important to recognize what that purpose is and what kind of friend they are. I hate to say it, but most times… moms are right, at least my mom is. But, for every friendship lost a new friendship has blossomed, and so is the cycle of life.
The best part of coming back up to Jersey is getting to be a quick drive away from my parents and around some of my best friends in the world. I love getting to see my parents and friends whenever I want. Whether it’s going home for a weekend or having them to Hoboken for dinner, just knowing they are right here gives me comfort. My parents are my heroes and I love having them and my friends back in my everyday life. They have all supported me for as long as I can remember and although we’ve been miles apart for years it’s like nothing has changed at all. The absolute best part is being back with my other half, my partner in crime and my sister, Carrie. For 13 years we lived one mile from each other and never realized how lucky we were. After spending 7 years apart and now being back to being within blocks from each other I think I can speak for both of us by saying that living far away from each other is no longer an option. This past spring faced us with one of the biggest challenges of our friendship but we got through it like we get through everything… side by side. I think everything happens for a reason and me being back in Jersey and living down the street again was no coincidence. It was meant to be because someone knew we’d need each other. From the laughing to the crying that this past year has brought us we know now more than ever that when we have each other everything will be ok.
And now after that long novel… here’s a quick look at my “new” life! (sorry they aren't in order...get over it.)
My wonderful Roommates, Kate and Christa |
My room |
And again... | | | |
And again.... |
Apartment Living Room |
Kitchen |
| | |
St. Patrick's Day |
Me and my sister Carrie at my Bday Celebration |
Trip to Austin with mom to see Zach |
Visit from Annie 4th of July weekend |
Reunion of KSS |
Halloween '10 |
My best friend Heather had a baby, Grace (whose 1 this week!) |
Reunion of cousins at my uncles wedding |
Reunion in NYC with some favorite VA friends |
At the end of the day it boils down to this. I’m happy. It took awhile to get here but it was all worth it. That knot in my stomach that felt like part of me was missing is gone, and you can’t ask for anything more. One of my closest friends Annie said it best, "Sometimes the bumpiest roads give us the best views.”
Here's to year TWO!
Aww that almost brought a tear to my eye...almost