There is always a lot of pressure when starting a new job. Primarily this pressure comes from the need to prove to those that hired you that they did indeed make the right choice. I think, at least in my experience, that there is always that first “test”. The first thing you do that will actually show your talents and can either make or break you. At my job, this test came early and in a BIG way. The moment I started my job, I was told that a month and one week from my start date would be my first event. At first this wasn’t too bad, especially since I’m the type that likes to just jump in and go. That is until I found out my first event was a Fashion Show and Luncheon with the luxury brand Chanel.
As I’ve mentioned before, I work for a nonprofit organization so you may be wondering how the hell these two things, Chanel and Nonprofit, are found in the same sentence. My organization is very lucky to have the support of New York City’s finest socialites. Some of these fabulous women even sit on our Board of Directors. One woman in particular on our Board works at Chanel and has been trying to find away for them to support us, thus, the Fashion Show and Luncheon idea was born. Chanel agreed to finance the entire event, as well as give a very generous donation to our organization. The luncheon consisted of a cocktail hour, seated lunch and a showing of Chanel’s 2011/2012 Resort Collection.
The Friday before our Monday event, it was time to do the seating char. And this my friends is when my experience with Chanel really begins!
Now, I am not what one would call fashionable or fashion forward. I like timeless pieces that will last me season after season, year after year. Almost all my clothes are Banana Republic with a few Ann Taylor Loft and Gap pieces thrown in there. The only high fashion brands I own are a few pairs of Michael Kors shoes… that were purchased at TJ Maxx at an EXTREME discount. I had already struggled with finding the perfect outfit for the day of the event (a simple black dress by Calvin Klein) but now I had to find a another outfit that didn’t look like I was trying to hard, even though I was. Our meeting was scheduled for 9:30 AM so my boss and I were meeting at the Chanel offices. I had originally planned on taking the subway from Port Authority but once I got down there and realized that I had definitely written down the wrong train I aborted my idea and ran outside to find a cab. Of course I’m sweating, because I always sweat, but also because I had just been standing in the hot subway and now I was outside in the humidity. When I finally get a cab I’m relieved to finally have some cool air. NOT. The cab driver has all the windows down because the AC is not working. Now, when we are moving, this is no problem. But…as my luck would have it’s the end of UN week and there is traffic…everywhere. By the time we get to 57th street (where Chanel’s boutique/offices are located) we are at a dead stop. We crawl our way to right past 7th avenue when the Cab driver instructs me that if I’m running late I may want to get out and walk. I’m about 1 ½ avenues away, and of course, running late. I decide to take his advice and jump out. My hopes of arriving at my meeting looking dry were now completely out the window. By the time I arrive I’m a hot mess and now dreading even more meeting these fabulous women. Mother Nature – 1, Samantha – 0.
After my meeting at Chanel, and seeing how well dressed these women were, I decided I needed to spice up my outfit for the event by adding some sassy shoes. I ended up with these amazing shoes that I of course purchased at Banana Republic.
Aren't they perfect! |
The morning of the event I got to work early, sans makeup and event outfit to avoid any pre sweating and melting off of makeup. I got dressed at work, showed off my fabulous shoes and was on my way to the Chanel with my colleague. Once we get there we head up to the 3rd floor of the boutique where the event is taking place. It is completely transformed and buzzing with people. The caterers are setting up, the waiters (struggling male actors and models) were getting ready and the models were practicing walking the runway. Note – after seeing these models I first decided A.) I’m never eating again as they were all Triple Zeros and then B.) That actually I’d rather be fat then have no boobs, only nipples, and constantly look miserable because all I want is a cheeseburger.
I jump right into getting things done, changing seating assignments, when all of a sudden I feel something get caught. My heel felt like it had been stuck in the carpet some how. I look down and all seems fine. I walk over to the next table and feel a little uneasy on my feet. I look down again and to my lovely surprise, the heel on my BRAND NEW shoe has completely broken off! I calmly limp over to my colleauge and tell her what happened. I told her that I had a pair of black pumps under my desk at work and she needed to get them to me asap. Our CEO and my boss had just been dropped of by a driver so it was decided that the easiest thing to do was to send him back to the office to grab my shoes and bring them back. Cute Leopard Shoes – 1, Samantha – 0.
I will be getting a new pair of shoes AND my money back... |
The rest of the event went off without a hitch. The guests were beautiful, the room was beautiful, the clothes were amazing and most of all, my bosses were thrilled. I had schmoozed my way through my first event, even rubbed shoulders with Emily Mortimer and some other NYC “it” girls, and was able to walk on real shoes before the guests arrived. My CEO informed me that if this was my Maiden Voyage, she couldn’t wait to see what else was left to come! Not too shabby right? We even ended up being featured in Women's Wear Daily! Kicking ass at 1st Event = Samantha – 1, Cute Leopard Shoes ruining my day – 0.
I finally make it back to the office, exhausted, but feeling a little lighter now that the event is over. I sit down for the first time in 5 hours and finally eat something. As a parting gift, I stole the Chanel pen that I used for registration. While meeting with my boss later in the afternoon I am using said pen, until it decides to explode ALL OVER ME. I have black ink all over my hands, on my face and my boss’s desk. Apparently both Banana Republic and Chanel, two very reputable brands, have decided they are too good for me. Chanel Pen – 1, Samantha – 0.
So at the end of the day, I only ended up with 1 point out of 4 BUT, it was the most important point. Now onto the next event!