I had a very interesting conversation with my boss the other day. We were on our way to a meeting and were having a conversation regarding the Friday dress code. First I need to give you a little background on my boss. She is quite the pit bull and is EXTREMELY blunt, she makes me look timid. Sometimes I think she would really benefit from having a filter – I’m not even going to say a better filter because literally one does NOT exist – but I am currently in no position to tell her that. She LOVES judging which is why we probably get along so well because lets be honest, I can judge with the best of them. What makes her sharp tongue even better is that she’s a very short/petite Italian woman in her early 50’s with a pixie haircut (she sorta reminds me of Peter Pan, like the Cathy Rigby version but only because of her hair.. and come to think of it her hair is red so that’s a terrible example, but I digress…) and one would expect her to probably be much more tactful than she is. But lucky for me, I think she’s hilarious and we get along famously – thank god – she loves my sarcasm and allows me to be myself (within professional reason). Anyways I’ve almost moved completely off topic…back to my story.
Like I said, we were discussing our Friday dress code. Most people in the office on Friday’s wear jeans; however my boss is not the hugest fan of them. She is really fashionable and is one of those women that I can’t picture wearing a pair of jeans, let alone owning a pair. Because of her distain for jeans in the workplace, my colleague and I (who started a week after me) have both refrained from casual Friday that is unless, our boss is out of the office. One afternoon, on a Friday, the topic of jeans came up and I decided to take the plunge and ask her if we could wear them. She kinda just stared at me, begrudgingly said yes and I thought it was over. Success.
Now we are at Monday, on our walk. She brings up the jeans topic and thus our convo unfolds:
G: So, I’m ok with you guys wearing jeans, but they have to be good jeans.
Me: Ok, how do you qualify what “good” jeans are, other than I’m assuming no holes.
G: Well, they have to be dark, cannot be skinny, can be boot cut if you want, and I’d prefer trouser style.
Me: Hmm ok, those are a lot of parameters but I think I can handle it.
G: Also, they can’t have “stuff” on them.
Me: “Stuff” what do you mean “stuff”?
G: Ya know, they can’t have like gems, or like embellishments on them.
Me: You mean like they can’t be bedazzled?
G: Yea, none of that crap.
Me: G, do I look like someone who would wear bedazzled jeans, I would never do that!
G: Well…. You are from Jersey….
Me: WHAT! ( and then I pushed her…)
G: Yea well I don’t know what you wear in your own time….you people from Jersey can be a little questionable.
Me: (I stared at her with my mouth wide open for a while) I don’t know what to say.
G: Yea well, I’m just saying…
As I sat there slightly offended, I thought for awhile. Thankfully, she confirmed that I do dress very well for work so she’s not 100% surprised that I don’t have bedazzled jeans. But I did begin to think back to my pre- Virginia days and admit to myself that yes, I, Samantha Watson, was at one point a little bit of a Jersey girl…well at least as far as my hair was concerned. As many of you know during high school I had the brilliant idea to perm my hair. Why none of my family or so-called friends stopped me, I will never know, but at the end of the day I was pretty sure that I looked damn good! To make matters worse I insisted on holding on to my Jersey bangs as well – made for a really awesome combination. I’ve joked before that one of the best things about going to school in VA is that by Christmas break of my Freshman year I realized how terrible I looked and finally made a change. But now, many years later, I have come to terms with my “past” and can look back at myself and laugh. So, I invite you all to laugh with me and have a few gems to share with you.
I was even brave enough to show my boss these pictures. And, with that, in true G form, I leave you with this:
At least Zach and I both look awkward here... |
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My mom says I look like a Springer Spaniel here...and yet she didn't stop me...thanks Mom. |
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Yea Carrie and I are real hott! Can you feel that sizzle?! |
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Poster from my Graduation Party...lots of Gems here. |
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Close-up of my Senior Picture. If you look close you can see the acrylic nails that were color coordinated to match the shirt. At least i straightned the hair here, but the bangs are there to stay! |
“ Wow, those are awesome! Are you wearing bedazzled jeans in any of those?????????”